Transitions - TheMusicWorks
Small group music sessions delivered in schools and funded by the NHS, Transitions is designed to help build self-confidence and increase self-esteem through songwriting and making music.

Our music leaders offer lots of different options of music making (singing, instrument playing, music tech, lyric writing etc) to engage the young people through what they enjoy.  No prior experience in music is necessary. We start the sessions off with a weekly check in by creating a space for the young people to share their worries and feel less isolated. 

Who is it for?

Transitions is a programme for pupils dealing with anxiety around their transition from primary to secondary school. We work with small groups of 5-8 young people from year 6 or 7.

To find out more about transitions and referral processes, get in touch with our team here


Its improved my confidence to sing and its really helped me because when I wasn’t here I was a bit naughty and its helped me control my anger and my behaviour.” ( Daniel, Yr 6)  

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We’re a friendly team and always happy to answer any questions you have.

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