Our Supporters - TheMusicWorks
We are incredibly thankful to all our supporters who have shown us that they truly believe in the power of music to transform lives.

Your support makes it possible for us to reach more young people than ever. Thank you.

Our supporters

Arts Council England

Aspinwall Educational Trust

Barnwood Trust

BBC Children In Need

Charles Hayward Foundation

Cheltenham Borough Council

Chimo Trust

Christadelphian Samaritan Fund

Elle’s Angels

Esmée Fairbairn Foundation

Garfield Weston Foundation

Gilbert Lane Trust

Gloucester City Council

Gloucester Guildhall

Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group

Gloucestershire Community Foundation

Gloucestershire County Council

Gloucestershire Disability Fund

Grace Wiggall

Guy Moot

Harapan Trust

Harrison Reed

Jennifer Hayward and Richard Waite

Jonathan and Caz Knight

Make Music Gloucestershire

Natracare Ltd

Newby Trust

Notgrove Trust

Paul Hamlyn Foundation

Paypal giving fund

Peter Sowerby Foundation

PRS Foundation

Real Ideas Organisation

Severn Trent

Social Enterprise Support Fund

Social Investment Business Grant

Summerfield Charitable Trust

The Ammco Charitable Trust

The Annett Trust

The Baily Thomas Charitable Fund

The Clothworkers’ Foundation

The Cotswold Primrose Charitable Trust

The England Charitable Trust

The Eva Reckitt Trust

The Foyle Foundation

The Free Hospital Trust Fund

The Himbleton Charitable Trust

The JC Seccombe Charitable Trust

The Julia and Hans Rausing Trust

The Karlsson Játiva Charitable Foundation

The Kendrick and Sylvia Edwards Charitable Trust

The Langtree Trust

The Lennox Hannay Charitable Trust

The Mbili Charitable Trust

The Percy Bilton Charity

The Pied Piper Appeal

The Ratcliff Foundation

The Richard Cadbury Charitable Trust

The Screwfix Foundation

The Souter Charitable Trust

The Wiggin Charitable Foundation

Thirty Percy

Warner Chappell Music

Wooden Spoon

Youth Music

Youth Support

Our sponsors

Akai (inMusic )
Alesis (inMusic )
Alto Professional (inMusic )
Denon DJ (inMusic )
HeadRush (inMusic )
M-Audio (inMusic )
Numark (inMusic )
Smart Home Sounds
SoundSwitch (inMusic )


Thank you, Annie Helsdown, in memory of Steve Helsdown

Thank you to Bernard and Hilary, in memory of their son Greg Morgan

Thank you to Phil Brown in loving memory of Cecilia Brown

Support us

Want to help us transform young lives through music?

Every penny we receive directly supports the young people of Gloucestershire to reach their full potential through our programmes. 

Our impact

We specialise in working with young people facing barriers in music, in learning and in life. By developing their musical and technical abilities, providing progression routes and career opportunities to those who wish to pursue them, we have a lasting impact.

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