External evaluator & theory of change developer - TheMusicWorks

Invitation to Tender

Overview of The Music Works 

The Music Works (TMW) transforms young lives through music. For many young people, school or personal experiences and circumstances have simply made them feel they’ve failed in life. Music can be the key to unlocking their potential. Our vision is for all children and young people in Gloucestershire– particularly those facing barriers in music, learning and life – to be able to realise their potential through music, and improve their life chances through creativity, building confidence, self-belief and motivation. We work with 2,500 young people a year of which at least 70% are those living in challenging circumstances (disabled, young offenders, those with mental health problems, young people who are NEET etc). We work with all abilities, from absolute beginners to some of the county’s most skilled emerging artists. Please watch this video to get an introduction to our work: 



Introduction and background 

We are looking for a highly skilled and experienced External Evaluator and Theory of Change Expert, with a track record in evaluating arts in schools and the community. The role will be working with our APS music programme in Gloucestershire. We’re particularly keen to hear from those who have worked around music and APS or similar and especially with diverse and marginalised groups to evaluate an ambitious new R&D programme funded by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation.   

The project is part of an established creative programme of community and educational work in music that reaches around 3000 young people each year to support their personal, social, emotional and musical development.  

Project Aims:
  • Position music as an integral part of personal, social, and academic development in all five of the AP settings in Gloucestershire (content/intention).
  • Ensure the entitlement of access to music for all students in APS. 
  • To build a new and sustainable model for children and young people-centred music leadership in AP settings in Gloucestershire (structure) .
Project objectives:
  • Set up a steering group comprising a school leader and a teacher from each of the AP settings, two experienced music leaders, two youth advocates attending AP, Ben O’Sullivan TMW Creative Director
  • Develop theory of change, co-constructed with staff, pupils, music leaders to inform project development.
  • Music will be embedded structurally into both the timetable and the curriculum offer. Cross curricular links will embed music into curriculum planning and teaching and learning approaches. 
  • Music-based mentoring will be embedded into the pedagogy of AP settings and over two years of co-planning and delivery both music leaders and AP staff will develop new knowledge and skills which will become embedded into their practice.
  • At a strategic level both TMW and the local education authority are ambitious to develop a music entitlement for AP students. The LEA is running a new AP curriculum project and has invited TMW to sit on the project group to offer expert input around music and arts provision.
  • Commission an external evaluation partner.

Outputs and timetable 

This is a freelance contract and spreads over the 20-month project period. 

The main outputs from this work will be: 

  • Develop a theory of change December ‘21 / January ‘22 in partnership with schools, the county, TMW and other stakeholders. 
  • Review the theory of change as it develops across the programme 
  • Literature review/landscaping exercise of the current APS / music and music mentoring landscape in the UK.  
  • Sharing learning with the cohort at key points.   
  • Short interim report at the end of Year 1 – internal (August/early September 2022). 
  • Final report and liaising with the team to produce advocacy materials– externally facing – key findings that are easily communicable will be important.  
  • Sharing event, speaking to both the education and arts and cultural sector 

The work would commence in November 2021 and finish in summer 2023. It should be noted that the timescales above are all premised on the fact that the timetable for the projects are not unduly affected by Covid-19. 

Data protection and confidentiality 

The contractor must comply with all the requirements of General Data Protection Regulation 2018 and shall ensure appropriate research consents for any data collection undertaken in the role and support the project evaluations in applying appropriate data and research ethics protocols.   


The contractor must maintain confidentiality about their dealings with TMW and PHF.  



TMW’s funded and contracted organisations, individuals and projects that work with children and young people, or vulnerable adults are required to work to a comprehensive and up to date safeguarding policy. 

Tenderers should therefore provide responses to the questions in Appendix A as part of their submission. The successful contractor will also need to liaise with the project manager to ensure alignment and compliance with their safeguarding policies. 

If you have a safeguarding policy, please attach this to your submission.  



TMW’s budget for this work is up to a maximum of £14,400 for work to be carried out over a period of 20 months. This includes VAT, if applicable, and travel expenses.   


Please include in your response a breakdown including: 

  • Maximum number of days you would provide 
  • Brief breakdown of how you expect these days to be allocated (i.e., in person, delivery, remote) 
  • Additional resources included in your offering (i.e., support staff, evaluation platforms) 


Skills and knowledge 

The contractor should have: 

  • Knowledge and experience of evaluating initiatives which aim to support teacher, pupil and whole school outcomes. 
  • Some awareness of blended models and digital delivery. The contractor does not need to be an expert in this but will need to be aware of that evaluating blended/digital CPD inputs may bring specific opportunities and challenges. 
  • Understanding of the wider educational landscape and the context for both teacher development and arts-based learning 
  • Experience in supporting others to develop evaluation plans. 
  • Experience of supporting organisations to develop a theory of change and evaluation frameworks. 
  • Knowledge and skills in quantitative and qualitative research and evaluation approaches, including the design of tools, interviewing, data collection, data management, analysis and reporting. 
  • Excellent communication skills, both written and oral, and the ability to communicate information to a non-technical audience and work across audiences with differing priorities. 
  • Experience of facilitating and convening organisations to work together and share learning, both virtually and in-person.   
  • Experience of coaching or providing ‘critical friend’ support.  
  • Strong understanding of and commitment to research ethics and safeguarding. 
  • Knowledge and experience of current data protection law and principles, data security and privacy issues. 
  • The capacity and skills to be responsive and flexible to meet the needs of the projects. 
  • Strong skills in project and risk management. 
  • Commitment to the TMW’s vision and values. 


Full details of your skills, knowledge and experience of relevant work must be included in the tender return. 



Equality, Diversity and Inclusion 

The tender process will reflect our commitment to diversity, equality and inclusion. TMW’s vision is of a just society in which everyone can realise their potential and enjoy a fulfilling and creative life. This is at the heart of our purpose as an organisation. To achieve this, we need to tackle inequalities head-on and use all our resources to drive positive change, so a commitment to diversity, equality and inclusion sits at the centre of our strategy. It drives how we work, who we work with and how we make decisions, and it should be as relevant and important for us as an employer and as an organisation. Link to TMW Equality Diversity and Inclusion Policy – TMW EDI Policy 




Instructions for responding 

Proposals should be submitted by 12 noon on 29th November 2021 and the tender return should include: 

  • Name of organisation and/or individual consultant(s) making application. 
  • Contact name and details for all correspondence, including address, email and telephone. 
  • Names, roles and CVs of consultants to be involved. 
  • An outline of your skills, suitability and relevant experience to deliver the work. 
  • Details of the proposal. 
  • Constraints, challenges and risks associated with the work and how you would mitigate them. 
  • Append a brief example of how you have delivered a comparable piece of work. 
  • Budget and timetable outline (see section 8). 
  • Two referees (these will only be contacted for shortlisted proposals) 
  • Your response to the questions about safeguarding policy at appendix A 



The total maximum length of submission, excluding the appended comparable project and safeguarding policy, should not exceed 4 A4 pages. 


We are open to proposals from organisations or individual consultants, where there are appropriate measures in place to ensure clear lines of management and communication. Payment arrangements will be via a single organisation and these details should be included in the tender return. Individual consultants applying to deliver the work by themselves are asked to include a brief account of how the support could be delivered in the event they are unable to do so personally.  


Please return your submission to The Music Works (Charity) by email to griggs@themusicworks.org.uk and bosullivan@themusicworks.org.uk. Please include the subject line “TMW PHF Project – Tender response: [name of organisation / respondent]”. 


Tender returns will be assessed against the criteria specified under section 9; the appropriateness and quality of the proposal to address the aim and objectives; and value for money. 


2 References will be requested from shortlisted respondents. We will inform you before we contact your referees. 


Interviews will be held 7th December. Respondents are asked to confirm their availability for interview in this week. If unavailable, please discuss potential alternative dates with us before submitting.    


Commissioning Timescale 

Closing date for tender response submissions: 29th November

Interviews: 7th Dec.

Appointment: 22nd November 2021 

Key info

Job title: External evaluator & theory of change developer

Closing date for tender response submissions: 29th November

Interviews: 7th Dec.

Location: Gloucestershire


How to apply

We are committed to having a workforce that is representative of the community we serve at all levels in and around the organisation; with contractors, staff, freelancers, trustees, and volunteers. We therefore welcome applications from all backgrounds and all sections of the community. 

Please return your submission to The Music Works (Charity) by email to griggs@themusicworks.org.uk . Please include the subject line “TMW PHF Project – Tender response: [name of organisation / respondent]”.


If you have any questions, please email Georgie: griggs@themusicworks.org.uk 

Role and approach

The role of the External Evaluator and Theory of Change Developer is to: 

    • Guiding the theory of change process 
    • Developing an evaluation framework 
    • Involvement in formative and reflection work  
    • Detailed dialogue between practitioners 

Providing summative narrative and quantitative evidence reports & outputs around KPIs. 

  • Evaluate the project in line with TMW’ evaluation requirements. 
  • Work with all stakeholders to produce a working theory of change that can be tested through the project and finalised before providing the foundation of a new model of music in APS for national roll out. 

 This includes: 

  •  Conducting interviews 
  • Collating/analysing information and writing evaluation reports 
  • Presenting and workshopping with stakeholders 
  • collating/analysing information producing the final theory of change for sign off by the steering group.

The role will require travel in and around Gloucestershire to face to face meetings as well as some online meetings and workshops.   

Got a question?

We’re a friendly team and always happy to answer any questions you have.

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