Why Music - TheMusicWorks
Making music is a powerful way to work with young people.

Throughout history, music has uplifted and united people from diverse backgrounds. It’s a simple and accessible tool to empower, uplift, support and spark creativity in young people regardless of their background or any barriers they face elsewhere in life.We know that music helps improve young people’s mental and physical health as well as their social and emotional skills. This can lead to significant transformations in their lives, both immediately and in the future.

This is something we hear from many young people we work with; when a genre or style of music isn’t taken seriously or platformed by the mainstream, particularly in school, young people feel that their musical choice isn’t “worthy” or “valid”, which affects their self-esteem.

Not enough young people in Gloucestershire are currently benefiting from access to music provision, especially those in challenging circumstances.

There are many reasons for this, from lack of youth provision to a national curriculum that has moved away from the arts. There are other barriers that young people face too, like economic difficulties, disability, health conditions or behavioural issues.

In 2020, we commissioned independent research to find out how important music is to the young people of Gloucestershire.

A lack of access to creativity can have far-reaching consequences for young people including poor physical and mental health, boredom and a lack of ambition. Without stimulation and inspiration, this can lead to exclusion from school, unemployment, offending and other negative behaviours.

This is why The Music Works exists, to provide accessible opportunities so that all young people in Gloucestershire can access the transformative benefits of music.
Young people's views count
TJ knew he could rap brilliantly, but not ‘seriously’

This is something we hear from many young people we work with; when a genre or style of music isn’t taken seriously or platformed in by the mainstream, particularly the mainstream of music education, young people bare the scar of systemic prejudice which leads to a massive a lack of self esteem.

Read TJ's story

“It has made me relax and feel more in control of my life during this time. Music has always been a way for me to release my thoughts and emotions so that is why it has been a big help to me”

Our impact on young people

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