Our Impact - TheMusicWorks
We engage with young people through making music which helps them to build confidence, self-belief and increase motivation. This, in turn, empowers them to improve their life chances.

We specialise in working with young people facing barriers in music, in learning and in life. We measure our impact according to authenticity, inclusivity, engagement, creativity, empowerment and sustainability. We aren’t interested in one-off projects that don’t have an ongoing impact.

We want to make a significant difference to young people’s lives.
We’re strongly outcomes-focused. All of our work achieves one or more of the following:
  • Musical outcomes: developed/improved musical abilities
  • Personal outcomes: improved educational engagement and attendance, increased self confidence, increased self-belief, increased aspirations, developed leadership skills, improved physical development e.g. dexterity
  • Social outcomes: reduced negative behaviours, improved relationships

“It has made me relax and feel more in control of my life during this time. Music has always been a way for me to release my thoughts and emotions so that is why it has been a big help to me”.

Impact report

Read our latest impact report from 23/24

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Ashleigh's story

“The support of The Music Works has made the world of difference to Ashleigh’s confidence, keeping her going when things got tough, helping her express herself and find her voice, raise her musical horizons and smash down barriers that so often stand in young disabled people’s way when it comes to music”

A young girl passionately learning to use piano and guitar

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Bethanie's story

When Bethanie was referred to The Music Works she had been facing many years of challenging medical issues. Through music, she found new motivation.

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